Thursday, November 15, 2012


Theme  :   World of Knowledge
Topic   :   Precious Drops
Learning Standards  :  2.3.1  Able to read simple texts with guidance :-
                                            a) fiction


Water covers most of our planet. It  can be found in oceans, lakes, and 
ponds, and in the ground itself. The cycle of water from liquid to vapor to 
solid is called  the water cycle. The water cycle is an exciting and 

continuous process, with no beginning or end. The water cycle is the 
movement of water in the environment by evaporation, condensation, 
and precipitation.  
The warm sun causes liquid water to  evaporate (to change from a liquid 
into a gas or vapor) and rise up into the sky. The water vapors that are 
formed cool during evaporation. These cooled water vapors form clouds in 
the sky. The transformation of the vapor into clouds (that is, from a gas 
into a liquid) is  condensation. Clouds can be a mass of water droplets 
and/or ice particles. When the clouds get heavy enough, the water falls 
back to the ground in the form of rain, snow, or hail. This is precipitation.  

Sunday, November 4, 2012

  • Sekitar suasana majlis Pelaksanaan Kempen Kibar Jalur Gemilang.....

  • Semasa relief kelas Tahun 3...minta bebudak ni jawab soalan grammar.Suka sesangat.
  • 1 komputer terpaksa kongsi beramai2....maklumlah sekolah kecil kemudahan pun terhad. Tapi alhamdulillah sebab sekelas murid-muridnya tidak ramai.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Activities carried out in class

  • Theme : World of Knowledge
  • Topic : Delicious Food
  • Learning Standards : 1.2.1 Able to participate in daily conversations :
          • b) polite requests

  •  Activity based on Learning Standards - Listening and Speaking
  • Scene in the restaurant - how the pupils can make polite requests (ordering menu)
  • All the foods brought by them and the teacher as well.